Minimal Light

screenshot of Minimal Light

Minimal Light

A simple and elegant Jekyll theme for an academic personal homepage


The Minimal Light Theme is a simple and elegant personal homepage theme built using Jekyll. It provides basic search engine optimization, mobile-friendly design, and support for Markdown and dark mode. It can be deployed using GitHub Pages or used locally with Jekyll.


  • Simple and elegant personal homepage theme
  • Jekyll theme, automatically deployed by GitHub Pages
  • Basic search engine optimization
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Support for Markdown
  • Support for dark mode


Using with the GitHub Pages Service

  1. Fork this repository or use it as a template and change the name to
  2. Enable GitHub Pages for the repository according to the provided steps.
  3. Add the following line to your repository's _config.yml: remote_theme: yaoyao-liu/minimal-light

Using Locally with Jekyll

  1. Install Ruby and Jekyll following the installation instructions here: Jekyll Installation Guide
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Install and run Jekyll.
  4. View the live page using http://localhost:4000. The HTML files can be found in the _site folder.

Using the HTML version

The compiled HTML files are available in the html_source_file folder. If you prefer not to use Jekyll, you can directly edit and use the HTML version.


The Minimal Light Theme is a simple and elegant personal homepage theme built using Jekyll. It offers features such as basic search engine optimization, mobile-friendly design, and support for Markdown and dark mode. The theme can be easily installed and deployed using GitHub Pages or used locally with Jekyll. It also provides options for customization through configuration variables and editable files.


Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby that allows you to create simple, fast, and secure websites without the need for a database.