Halo Theme Xue

screenshot of Halo Theme Xue

Halo Theme Xue



This product is a theme for the Halo blogging platform. It is a responsive theme with features such as code highlighting, configurable article directory, random article covers, custom webpage titles, JavaScript plugin support, multiple styles for homepage articles, global Pjax integration, fancybox lightbox plugin integration, and more. The theme has undergone various updates and optimizations to improve its stability and functionality.


  • Adaptation to Halo 1.5.0: The theme is compatible with the latest version of Halo.
  • Responsive design: The theme is designed to be responsive and optimized for different screen sizes.
  • Code highlighting and line numbers: The theme supports code highlighting and displays line numbers for code blocks.
  • Configurable article directory: Users can configure the display of article directories.
  • Random article covers: The theme allows for random covers to be displayed for articles.
  • Customizable webpage titles: Users can customize the titles of their webpages.
  • JavaScript plugin support: The theme supports the integration of JavaScript plugins.
  • Multiple styles for homepage articles: The theme offers multiple styles for displaying articles on the homepage.
  • Global Pjax integration: The theme integrates global Pjax for smoother page loading.
  • Integration of fancybox lightbox plugin: The theme integrates the fancybox lightbox plugin for image viewing.
  • Optimized stability: The theme has undergone optimizations to improve its stability.

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