
screenshot of Personal_profile_angular4


A personal Profile website template with Angular4


personal_profile_angular4 is an Angular 4 template designed to help users build their personal profile. It was generated using Angular CLI version 1.2.1. With this template, users can easily create a professional personal profile website.


  • Angular 4: Built using Angular 4 framework to ensure a modern and efficient user interface.
  • Easy Installation: Simple steps to clone or download the template to your local machine.
  • Node.js Compatibility: Requires Node.js v4+ to run smoothly.
  • Development Server: Offers a development server to preview changes made to the source files.
  • Data Modification: Enables users to easily modify data for each component in their respective servers.
  • Build: Generates a build of the project, with the artifacts stored in the dist/ directory.

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