
screenshot of Cv


:mortar_board: Best in Class modern CV, Resume and Portfolio website template. All-in-One-Page site with simply customizable builder.


The product being analyzed is a CV (Curriculum Vitae) theme. It is a website template designed to showcase a person's professional skills, experience, and personal information. The theme utilizes various front-end frameworks and libraries to create an attractive and responsive layout. It also includes dev tools for development workflow automation. The product was developed in May 2016.


  • Live Demo: Allows users to see how the theme looks and feels before installation
  • Usage: Provides step-by-step instructions on how to clone the repository, install dependencies, configure personal information, build the project, and deploy it
  • Components: Lists key components used in the theme, including animate.css, FontAwesome, Bootstrap, jQuery, noty, waypoints, wow.js, and iamx
  • Dev Tools: Lists dev tools used in the development workflow, including bower, gulp, gulp-token-replace, jimp, and terser
  • Todo List: Provides a checklist of tasks to be completed, including upgrading noty to v3, upgrading bootstrap to v4, implementing require.js configuration, and upgrading gulp to v4
  • More Info: Links to the GitHub repository for basic writing and formatting syntax and the BitBucket repository for markdown Howto and creating an automated build
  • Copyright Information: Mentions the awareness of copyright details and suggests referring to the FAQ section for guidance on what to include in a CV.

A personal website is an online platform that showcases an individual's work, interests, and personality. It can include a range of content, such as a bio, resume, portfolio, blog, and contact information, and is often used to promote one's personal brand or professional services.


A portfolio website is a type of website that showcases an individual's or a company's work, skills, and accomplishments. It typically includes a gallery of images or videos, case studies, and client testimonials to provide potential clients or employers with a comprehensive overview of their experience and expertise.


ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.


Gulp.js is an old but popular site building tool that automates various repetitive development tasks in web development, such as compiling Sass, minifying JavaScript, and optimizing images.