
screenshot of Moon


🌓 Moon is a minimal, one column jekyll theme.


Moon Jekyll Theme is a minimal, one-column Jekyll theme that allows users to focus on their content. It offers a range of features, including responsiveness, Disqus integration, syntax highlighting, optional post images, social icons, a page for sharing projects, an optional background image, a simple navigation menu, and MathJax support. The theme is designed for easy installation and use, and users can find more information in the Setup Guide.


  • Minimal: The theme provides a clean and minimal design, allowing users to showcase their content without distractions.
  • Responsive: Moon is built with responsiveness in mind, ensuring that the website looks great on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Disqus Integration: Users can easily integrate Disqus comments into their Jekyll site, allowing for interactive discussions.
  • Syntax Highlighting: The theme supports syntax highlighting, making code snippets and examples more readable and visually appealing.
  • Optional Post Image: Users have the option to include an image for each post, enhancing the visual appeal of their content.
  • Social Icons: Moon provides a set of social icons, allowing users to link to their social media profiles and increase their online presence.
  • Page for Sharing Projects: The theme includes a dedicated page where users can showcase and share their projects with others.
  • Optional Background Image: Users can choose to add a background image to their website, adding a personal touch to the overall design.
  • Simple Navigation Menu: Moon offers a simple and intuitive navigation menu, making it easy for visitors to explore the website.
  • MathJax Support: The theme supports MathJax, enabling users to include mathematical equations and formulas in their content.