
screenshot of Startjekyll


An example and guide to getting started with Jekyll and static site generators.


This is a guide named "Start Jekyll" which provides instructions for getting started with Jekyll, a static site generator. The guide covers topics such as learning about static site generators, installing Ruby and Jekyll, creating a custom website running on Jekyll and Sass, and deploying a Jekyll site to GitHub pages. The author of this guide is Tania Rascia and the project is open source and available under the MIT License.


  • Learn about static site generators: This guide provides information on static site generators, including their purpose and benefits.
  • Install Ruby and Jekyll: The guide offers instructions on installing Ruby and Jekyll, which are required for using Jekyll.
  • Create a custom website running on Jekyll and Sass: Users can learn how to create a customized website using Jekyll and Sass, a CSS preprocessor.
  • Deploy a Jekyll site to GitHub pages: The guide explains the process of deploying a Jekyll site to GitHub pages, a hosting service.

Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby that allows you to create simple, fast, and secure websites without the need for a database.