
screenshot of Bootstrapblog


Build on the official Bootstrap blog starter template to learn how to make a WordPress theme.


Bootstrap Blog is a theme built on the official Bootstrap blog starter template and is designed to help users learn WordPress. By combining the flexible and responsive features of Bootstrap with the powerful content management capabilities of WordPress, this theme offers an ideal platform for users to create their own blogs or websites.


  • Bootstrap Integration: The theme seamlessly integrates with Bootstrap, allowing users to leverage its extensive library of components and styles to design their blogs.
  • Responsive Design: The theme is fully responsive and adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring that the blog looks great on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Easy Customization: Users can easily customize the theme to match their branding or personal preferences by utilizing WordPress' theme customizer and editor.
  • WordPress Compatibility: The theme is built specifically for WordPress, ensuring compatibility with the latest WordPress versions and plugins.
  • Blog Starter Template: The theme is based on the official Bootstrap blog starter template, providing users with a solid foundation to build their blog upon.
  • Content Management: Users can manage and organize their blog content efficiently using WordPress' intuitive content management system.
  • SEO Friendly: The theme is optimized for search engines, helping users improve their blog's visibility and reach a wider audience.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: The theme is compatible with all major web browsers, ensuring a consistent experience for blog visitors.