Iview Weapp

screenshot of Iview Weapp

Iview Weapp

一套高质量的微信小程序 UI 组件库


The iView Weapp is a high-quality UI component library for WeChat mini programs. It provides a wide range of components that can be used to enhance the user experience of mini programs. Before using iView Weapp, it is recommended to review the documentation on how to use custom components in WeChat mini programs. The library can be downloaded from GitHub, and the components can be added to your project by copying the "dist" directory. A sample usage of the Button component is provided as an example, and the library also includes a preview of all the components.


  • High-quality UI components: The iView Weapp library provides a comprehensive set of high-quality UI components for WeChat mini programs.
  • Easy installation: The library can be downloaded from GitHub and added to your project by copying the "dist" directory.
  • Customizable components: Each component can be customized according to the specific requirements of your mini program.
  • Preview all components: The library includes a preview of all the components, allowing you to see how they look and function before integrating them into your mini program.

Less CSS is a dynamic stylesheet language that extends the capabilities of CSS, allowing developers to write cleaner, more modular, and reusable stylesheets with features like variables, mixins, and nested rules.

UI Kits & Components

A UI kit provides developers with a set of reusable components that can be easily integrated into a website or application. These components are pre-designed with consistent styling and functionality, allowing developers to save time and effort in the design and development process. UI kits can be either custom-built or third-party, and often include components for buttons, forms, typography, icons, and more.


ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.


Gulp.js is an old but popular site building tool that automates various repetitive development tasks in web development, such as compiling Sass, minifying JavaScript, and optimizing images.