Astrolus Open Source

screenshot of Astrolus Open Source

Astrolus Open Source

A page template built with astro and tailwindcss using tailus blocks.


Astrolus is a page template built with Astro and Tailwind CSS. It offers a Tailus Astro-based theme and a Tailus Astro-based dark theme. The project structure includes the src/pages/ directory for Astro and Markdown files, src/components/ directory for components, and the public/ directory for static assets. There are also several commands available for installing dependencies, starting the local dev server, building the production site, and more.


  • Astro and Tailwind CSS Integration: Astrolus leverages the power of Astro and Tailwind CSS to create a seamless development experience.
  • Tailus Astro-based Theme: The template comes with a pre-designed Tailus Astro-based theme, providing a professional and modern look to your pages.
  • Tailus Astro-based Dark Theme: In addition to the default theme, Astrolus also offers a dark theme option for those who prefer a darker color scheme.

Astro is the all-in-one web framework designed for speed. Pull your content from anywhere and deploy everywhere, all powered by your favorite UI components and libraries.