Statusbase Nuxt

screenshot of Statusbase Nuxt

Statusbase Nuxt

A modern, zero-dependency uptime monitoring tool & status page based on GitHub Actions & Nuxt Content v2.


StatusBase is an open-source Status Page Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) that allows users to host and configure their own status page. It is built with Nuxt 3 and Nuxt Content v2, and offers features such as free hosting, writing incident reports in Markdown, zero dependency on other services, and email notifications when the site is down.


  • Free: StatusBase is available for free, allowing users to host their own status page without any cost.
  • Open-Source: The project is open-source, allowing users to contribute and customize the code as per their requirements.
  • Host it on platforms: Users can choose to host their status page on various platforms of their choice.
  • Write incident report in Markdown: Incident reports can easily be written in Markdown format, making it convenient for users to document and communicate any issues.
  • Zero dependency on other service: StatusBase does not rely on any external services or dependencies, ensuring self-sufficiency.
  • Email notifications when site is down: Users receive email notifications when their site is down, allowing them to quickly address and resolve any issues.


To install StatusBase, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Update the cron frequency on .github/workflows/health-check.yaml.
  3. Create a [name].yaml file on the /content/urls directory.
  4. Copy the template provided to your YAML file created in the previous step.
  5. Set up StatusBase on any platform of your choice.
  6. Celebrate the successful installation!


StatusBase is an open-source Status Page Software-as-a-Service that provides users with the flexibility to host and configure their own status page. With features like free hosting, Markdown incident reports, and email notifications, StatusBase offers a self-sufficient and customizable solution for monitoring and communicating system status. The installation process is straightforward and can be easily executed by following the provided instructions. Contributions to the project are welcome, as it is an open-source community-driven initiative.


nuxt.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its intuitive syntax, modular architecture, and focus on performance make it a popular choice for modern web development.