Daisyui Admin Dashboard Template

screenshot of Daisyui Admin Dashboard Template

Daisyui Admin Dashboard Template

Free admin dashboard template using Daisy UI, React js and Tailwind CSS


The LogoDaisy UI Admin Dashboard Template is a free admin dashboard template that utilizes Daisy UI and React JS. It offers customizable and themable CSS and is built using Tailwind CSS utility classes. The template comes with pre-set libraries, including Redux Toolkit, and offers features such as light/dark mode toggle, token-based user authentication, submenu support in the sidebar, and store management using Redux Toolkit.


  • Light/dark mode toggle: Allows the users to switch between light and dark mode for a personalized dashboard experience.
  • Token based user authentication: Provides a secure way for users to authenticate and access the dashboard.
  • Submenu support in sidebar: Allows for organized navigation by providing submenu options within the sidebar.
  • Store management using Redux Toolkit: Simplifies state management by leveraging Redux Toolkit for efficient storage and access of data.
  • Daisy UI components and Tailwind support: Utilizes the Daisy UI and Tailwind CSS to create visually appealing and responsive UI components.
  • Right and left sidebar, Universal loader, notifications: Offers customizable sidebars and a universal loader for seamless navigation. Provides notification features to keep users informed.
  • Calendar, global modal, chart js 2 and other components: Includes various components such as a calendar, global modal, and Chart.js 2 for data visualization.


To install the LogoDaisy UI Admin Dashboard Template, follow these steps:

  1. Download or clone the project from the repository.
  2. Ensure that Node.js is installed on your system.
  3. Open the project directory in your terminal.
  4. Run the following command to install the required dependencies:
npm install
  1. After the installation is complete, start the development server by running:
npm start
  1. The dashboard template should now be accessible via the provided local host URL.


The LogoDaisy UI Admin Dashboard Template is a free and customizable admin dashboard template built using React JS, Daisy UI, and Tailwind CSS. It offers a range of features including light/dark mode toggle, token-based user authentication, and submenu support in the sidebar. The template provides a convenient way to manage data using Redux Toolkit and includes various UI components such as a calendar and Chart.js 2 for data visualization. With easy installation and extensive documentation, it is a versatile tool for creating powerful admin dashboards.


React is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It follows a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render UI components


Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined classes for building responsive and customizable user interfaces.


daisyUI adds classes to Tailwind CSS for all common UI components. Classes like btn, card, etc. This allows us to focus on important things instead of making basic elements for every project.


A dashboard style website template is a pre-designed layout that features a user interface resembling a control panel or dashboard. It typically includes charts, graphs, tables, and other data visualization tools that allow users to monitor and analyze data in real-time.


PostCSS is a popular open-source tool that enables web developers to transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins. It allows for efficient processing of CSS styles, from applying vendor prefixes to improving browser compatibility, ultimately resulting in cleaner, faster, and more maintainable code.