
screenshot of Speedrail


Rails 7 app template: Devise auth, Stripe billing, Tailwind CSS, admin panel, SEO helpers, etc


Speedrail is a Rails 7 boilerplate template created by @ryanckulp. It is designed to help developers quickly ship SaaS (Software as a Service) applications. The template includes a variety of features and tools that streamline the development process, including user authentication, design components, billing management, and deployment options.


  • User authentication via Devise: Easily implement user authentication and secure user management.
  • Design via Tailwind UI: Utilize pre-designed UI components from Tailwind UI to create a visually appealing application.
  • User billing management via Stripe Checkout portal: Integrate Stripe Checkout to handle user billing and subscriptions.
  • Safely manage ENV variables with Figaro: Manage environment variables securely using Figaro gem.
  • Responsive toggle navbar with logic for login, signup, and settings: Implement a responsive navbar with dynamic functionality for login, signup, and user settings.
  • SEO toolbelt via Metamagic: Improve search engine optimization by utilizing Metamagic for managing meta tags and SEO-related elements.
  • Rename your app in 1 command with Rename: Easily rename your Rails application with a single command.
  • Increased debugging power with Better Errors: Enhance the debugging experience with Better Errors gem.
  • Seed your DB in seconds via Seed Dump: Quickly seed your database with sample data using the Seed Dump gem.
  • Production-ready DB via Postgres: Set up a production-ready database using PostgresSQL.
  • Easy API requests with HTTParty: Simplify API requests and integrations using the HTTParty gem.
  • Postmark for transactional emails: Configure transactional email functionality using the Postmark service.
  • Letter_opener for local development mailers: Utilize Letter_opener gem for testing and previewing email functionality in local development.
  • Script tag component for Google Analytics and more: Easily add script tags for tools like Google Analytics using a component.
  • Testing suite via RSpec: Implement a robust testing suite using RSpec for ensuring code quality.
  • Cron job task scheduler (lib/tasks/scheduler.rake): Schedule recurring tasks and jobs using the built-in cron job task scheduler.