Svelte Crossword

screenshot of Svelte Crossword

Svelte Crossword

Crossword component for Svelte


Svelte-crossword is a crossword puzzle generator and solver library for Svelte applications. It allows users to generate puzzles from a simple JSON format and provides a slottable toolbar that can tap into crossword methods. The library is fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices with an on-screen keyboard. It also offers preset style themes with customization options, puzzle validation, and the ability to apply custom class names for cells and clues.


  • Generate puzzle from simple JSON format: Create crossword puzzles using a simple JSON format for clue and answer data.
  • Slottable toolbar: The toolbar provided can be customized and can access crossword methods.
  • Fully responsive: The library is designed to be fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices.
  • Optimized for mobile with on-screen keyboard: The library includes an on-screen keyboard for mobile devices, making it easier to input answers.
  • Preset style themes with customization: Choose from preset style themes or customize the appearance of the crossword puzzle.
  • Puzzle validation: Validate the puzzle to ensure it meets the necessary requirements.
  • Custom class names for cells and clues: Apply custom class names to cells and clues for styling and customization.

Svelte is a modern front-end framework that compiles your code at build time, resulting in smaller and faster applications. It uses a reactive approach to update the DOM, allowing for high performance and a smoother user experience.