
screenshot of Minimalist


Minimalist is content focused, minimal theme for Hugo


The Minimalist Hugo theme is a content-focused and minimalistic theme designed specifically for writers. It boasts a simple and clean design, making it ideal for those who want to showcase their writing skills without any distractions. Notably, this theme is built without any JavaScript, making it incredibly lightweight. It also performs exceptionally well in terms of speed and optimization, scoring AAA and 100/100 on various performance tests such as Lighthouse, Gmetrix, and Webpagetest.


  • Minimalistic, clean, and simple design: The theme offers a minimalistic and clutter-free design, allowing your content to take center stage.
  • Perfect for writers: It caters specifically to writers, providing an ideal platform to showcase their work.
  • Content-focused: The theme is designed to keep the focus on your content, ensuring that it remains the highlight.
  • System fonts: It utilizes system fonts, which provides a fast and consistent reading experience across different devices.
  • No JS!: As the theme is built without any JavaScript, it is incredibly lightweight and fast.
  • AAA, 100/100 scores on Lighthouse, Gmetrix, and Webpagetest: It has excellent performance ratings on popular performance testing tools.
  • Responsive design: The theme is fully responsive, ensuring that your site looks great and functions well on all screen sizes.
  • Inline CSS: Inline CSS is used to optimize the performance and loading time of the theme.
  • Atom feed: It supports an Atom feed, allowing visitors to subscribe to your content easily.
  • Sass: The theme is built with Sass, a popular CSS preprocessor, which provides flexibility and easier customization.
  • SEO optimized: The theme is optimized for search engines, including support for Twitter cards, Facebook Open Graph, and
  • Ultra-fast: With an incredibly small CSS file size of only 692B, the theme offers exceptional speed and performance.