
screenshot of Lines


Minimalist and simple theme for Hugo


The Lines theme is a minimalistic Hugo blogging theme. It features a clean and simple design, with a focus on providing a responsive layout. The theme also includes various features such as inline CSS, anchor headings, tags, security headers for Netlify hosting, a 404 page, compressed CSS and HTML, and SEO optimization. It is known for its fast loading time, with only around 2kb of CSS.


  • Minimalistic, clean and simple design
  • Responsive design
  • Inline CSS
  • Anchor headings
  • Tags
  • Security headers (for Netlify hosting)
  • 404 page
  • Compressed CSS and HTML
  • 100/100 score on Lighthouse, Page Speed Insights & Webpagetest
  • Robots.txt
  • Atom & Json feeds
  • Sass
  • SEO optimized (Twitter cards, Facebook Open Graph,
  • Ultra fast (Only ~2kb of CSS)