Python Project Template

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Python Project Template

DO NOT FORK, CLICK ON "Use this template" - A github template to start a Python Project - this uses github actions to generate your project based on the template.


The Python Project Template is a low dependency and simple to start project template for Python Projects. It provides various features and tools to help with the development and management of Python projects.


  • Templates for starting multiple application types: The template includes templates for a basic low dependency Python program, as well as templates for Flask applications with database, admin interface, rest API, and authentication.
  • Basic file: The template includes a basic file that provides installation, packaging, and distribution for your project.
  • Makefile with useful commands: The template includes a Makefile with commands to install, test, lint, format, and release your project.
  • Documentation structure using mkdocs: The template includes a documentation structure using mkdocs, making it easy to create and maintain project documentation.
  • Auto generation of change log: The template automatically generates a change log file based on your commit history on every release, using gitchangelog.
  • Container image support: The template includes a simple Containerfile that can be used to build a container image for your project.
  • Testing structure using pytest: The template provides a testing structure using pytest, making it easy to write and run tests for your project.
  • Code linting using flake8: The template includes code linting using flake8, helping to enforce code style and maintainability.
  • Code coverage reports using codecov: The template supports code coverage reports using codecov, allowing you to track the coverage of your tests.
  • Automatic release to PyPI: The template includes automatic release to PyPI using twine and GitHub actions, simplifying the release process.
  • Entry points for program execution: The template provides entry points to execute your program using python -m <project_name> or $ project_name with basic CLI argument parsing.
  • Continuous integration using Github Actions: The template includes continuous integration using GitHub Actions, with jobs to lint, test, and release your project on Linux, Mac, and Windows environments.

Flask is a lightweight and popular web framework for Python, known for its simplicity and flexibility. It is widely used to build web applications, providing a minimalistic approach to web development with features like routing, templates, and support for extensions.

Templates & Themes

A template or theme refers to a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a basic framework for building a specific type of application or website. It typically includes good design, placeholder content and functional features, allowing developers to customize and fill in the details according to their specific needs.