Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal Theme

screenshot of Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal Theme

Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal Theme

A Gatsby Starter Project to get started with the Portfolio Minimal Theme.


The Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal Theme is a Gatsby starter project designed to make it easy for users to create outstanding one-page portfolios within minutes. This Gatsby theme is pre-installed and pre-configured in the starter project, allowing users to quickly clone the starter, add their own content, and start developing their portfolio.


  • Easy setup: The Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal Theme provides a boilerplate project with the theme already installed and configured. Users can simply clone the starter and add their own content to get started.
  • One-page portfolio: This Gatsby theme allows users to create a one-page portfolio, making it easy to showcase their work and skills in a compact and visually appealing manner.
  • Customizable: The Portfolio Minimal Starter includes a content directory where users can edit the theme settings and add content for different sections of their portfolio.


To install the Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal Theme, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Gatsby CLI.
  2. Create a new Gatsby site with the Portfolio Minimal Starter.
  3. Once installed, you can begin developing your site.
  4. The starter includes a content directory at the root of your Gatsby site where you can edit theme settings and add content for your sections. Refer to the Readme of Portfolio Minimal for more information.


The Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal Theme is a convenient and easy-to-use Gatsby starter project that helps users create impressive one-page portfolios. With its pre-installed and pre-configured theme, users can quickly clone the starter, add their content, and start developing their portfolio. The theme offers a range of features, including easy setup, a one-page portfolio layout, and customization options through the content directory.


GatsbyJS is a free and open-source static site generator based on React. It uses a modern development stack including Webpack, GraphQL, and modern JavaScript and CSS frameworks. It also provides a rich set of plugins, starters, and themes.


React is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It follows a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render UI components


A portfolio website is a type of website that showcases an individual's or a company's work, skills, and accomplishments. It typically includes a gallery of images or videos, case studies, and client testimonials to provide potential clients or employers with a comprehensive overview of their experience and expertise.

Dark Mode

Dark mode is a user interface option that uses a dark color scheme instead of light. It reduces eye strain and improves visibility in low-light conditions. Implementing dark mode in a website or application involves updating the styles and color palette to support both light and dark modes.