Itext Pdfhtml Java

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Itext Pdfhtml Java

pdfHTML is an iText add-on for Java that allows you to easily convert HTML and CSS into standards compliant PDFs that are accessible, searchable and usable for indexing.


pdfHtml is an add-on for iText 7 that allows for easy conversion of HTML to PDF or iText objects. It is a dual-licensed software, available under AGPL (open-source) or commercial licenses. While AGPL is free, a license must be purchased for any commercial activities involving the distribution or deployment of iText software. The pdfHtml Community source code is hosted on Github, where users can download the latest releases or build it from source. Users also have the option to contribute to the improvement of pdfHtml by following the Contribution Guidelines.


  • HTML to PDF Conversion: pdfHtml enables seamless conversion of HTML files or iText objects into PDF format.
  • Dual Licensing: Users can choose between the AGPL (open-source) or commercial license according to their needs and commercial activities.
  • Community Source Code: The pdfHtml Community source code is available on Github, allowing users to access the latest releases and contribute to its improvement.


pdfHtml is an add-on for iText 7 that offers convenient HTML to PDF conversion capabilities. It can be obtained under the dual license options of AGPL or commercial, with the source code available on Github for the community. Users have the flexibility to choose the licensing option that aligns with their needs and can contribute to the improvement of pdfHtml by following the Contribution Guidelines.

Templates & Themes

A template or theme refers to a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a basic framework for building a specific type of application or website. It typically includes good design, placeholder content and functional features, allowing developers to customize and fill in the details according to their specific needs.