SpringBoot Vue Template Session

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SpringBoot Vue Template Session

SpringBoot3 + Vue3 前后端分离模版,采用Session方案,包含基本的登录、注册、密码重置等等功能,可以二次开发编写具体场景下的应用程序。


The front-end and back-end separation project template includes basic functionalities such as login, registration, and password reset, etc. It can be further developed to create specific applications for different scenarios. The login functionality supports both username and email login. User registration is done through email. Password reset is also done through email. After logging in, users can access the pages under the index path. If a user is not logged in, they will be automatically redirected to the login page. If a user requests a page that does not exist, they will still be redirected to the login page. If a user is already logged in, they will be redirected to the index homepage.


  • Login function: Supports both username and email login.
  • User registration: Allows users to register using their email address.
  • Password reset: Provides functionality to reset passwords using email.