Hexo Theme Huweihuang

screenshot of Hexo Theme Huweihuang

Hexo Theme Huweihuang

Ported theme of Hux Blog by YuHsuan, Modified by Hu Weihuang


The HuWeihuang theme is a modified version of the Hux Blog theme designed by Huxpro. It has been created by HuWeihuang and published to the Hexo theme list. This theme is free to use, but it requires users to keep the copyright notice on their website. The theme offers various features to customize and personalize the blog.


  • Live Demo: Users can preview the theme on the Hu Weihuang Blog at www.huweihuang.com.
  • Copyright Notice: Users are required to keep the copyright notice on their website when using this theme.
  • Installation: Detailed instructions for installing Hexo, Node.js, and Git are provided.
  • Theme Usage: Users are guided on initializing and modifying the theme's configuration file with their own information.
  • Sidebar Settings: Users can customize the sidebar by adding their avatar image and activating their preferred widgets.
  • Signature Setup: Users can add their signature image to the theme and modify the configuration file accordingly.
  • Go to Top Icon Setup: The theme provides an option to change the icon used for the "Go to top" feature.
  • Post Tag: Users can choose to display or hide post tags.
  • Markdown Render: The theme utilizes the hexo-renderer-markdown-it plugin as the markdown rendering engine.
  • Hexo Basics: Basic Hexo commands are mentioned for user's convenience.
  • Project Support: Users are encouraged to star the project if they like it, and follow the developer as well.

Hexo is a static site generator built with Node.js that enables developers to create fast and efficient websites using Markdown, EJS, and Stylus. It offers features such as server-side rendering, plugin support, and easy deployment to hosting services like GitHub Pages and Netlify.