Hexo Theme Tranquility

screenshot of Hexo Theme Tranquility

Hexo Theme Tranquility

致远是一款 Hexo 主题,专门为个人主页及多学科领域博主设计


The "Tranquility" theme is designed for Hexo blogs and focuses on showcasing personal characteristics and organizing content in a clear and concise manner. It offers features such as customizable homepage design, responsive layout, custom fonts, timeline display, related articles, mathematical formulas support, Gitalk comments, article appreciation, and SEO optimization. The theme aims to provide a unique and personalized experience for bloggers in various fields.


  • Homepage Design: The theme offers a unique homepage design that focuses on showcasing personal characteristics rather than just displaying a list of articles.
  • Responsive Layout: The theme is designed to adapt to different devices and provide a comfortable reading experience.
  • Custom Fonts: Users can customize the fonts used in the theme and optimize them for performance.
  • Timeline: The timeline feature allows bloggers to showcase important events or highlights in their personal or professional life.
  • Related Articles: The theme provides a section at the bottom of each article to display related articles, allowing readers to easily discover more content.
  • Mathematical Formulas: The theme supports the use of mathematical formulas using either its built-in LaTeX parser or a third-party plugin.
  • Gitalk Comments: Users can enable Gitalk comments for their articles, allowing readers to leave comments using their GitHub accounts.
  • SEO Optimization: The theme incorporates SEO best practices to ensure better visibility and discoverability of the blog content.

Hexo is a static site generator built with Node.js that enables developers to create fast and efficient websites using Markdown, EJS, and Stylus. It offers features such as server-side rendering, plugin support, and easy deployment to hosting services like GitHub Pages and Netlify.