
screenshot of Tikz_favorites


collection of favorite TikZ graphics


This repository contains examples of TikZ graphics, a powerful tool for creating illustrations and diagrams in LaTeX. The examples are sourced from various web pages, papers, slides, tutorials, and books, and are designed to help users learn TikZ. Each example is displayed on a web page, allowing users to click and view the code behind it. TikZ files are text-based and can be easily reproduced, making them great for use in websites, blogs, papers, articles, slides, and books.


  • Output files like .png and .pdf are stored in the ./out folder.
  • The README.Rmd document allows customization of variables for folders.
  • The Hugo website supports customization through the _build_site.R script.
  • TikZ source files are saved in the src folder, specifically in .tex format.
  • The template.Rmd file includes identifiers for updating with user custom settings and code.
  • The Makefile has been optimized to avoid code repetition.
  • Data files for TikZ examples are stored under src/data.

Hugo is an open-source static site generator that features fast build times, flexible themes, support for multiple content formats, multilingual websites, live reloading, and an active community. It allows developers to easily create and deploy SEO-friendly and mobile-responsive websites.