Minimalism is a simple and lightweight Hexo theme that offers both dark and light modes. It focuses on clean design and readability, without unnecessary fancy visuals or distracting elements. The theme is implemented using native CSS and JavaScript, avoiding the use of third-party libraries that may impact performance. It supports responsive design and provides features like Gitalk comment integration, Google Analytics integration, emoji support, and SEO optimization. The theme is easy to install and configure, making it a great choice for those looking for a minimalist and efficient Hexo theme.
Hexo is a static site generator built with Node.js that enables developers to create fast and efficient websites using Markdown, EJS, and Stylus. It offers features such as server-side rendering, plugin support, and easy deployment to hosting services like GitHub Pages and Netlify.
Blog websites feature posts written by one or more authors, organized by categories and tags, with a section for comments and archives sorted by date or topic. Additional features may include search bar, social media sharing, subscription or RSS feed, about and contact pages, and visual content.
A template or theme refers to a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a basic framework for building a specific type of application or website. It typically includes good design, placeholder content and functional features, allowing developers to customize and fill in the details according to their specific needs.
ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.