The live-reload-vanilla-website-template is a starter template for building a website without a front-end framework. It utilizes Webpack to support writing modern JavaScript (ES6+) and includes features such as live reload during development, Sass compilation, and ES6+ transpilation. It provides an easy installation process and allows for easy deployment of the production bundles.
The live-reload-vanilla-website-template is a useful starter template for building a website without relying on a front-end framework. It provides features such as live reload, Sass compilation, and ES6+ transpilation, all supported by Webpack. The installation process is straightforward, and the template allows for easy deployment of the production bundles.
SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that extends the capabilities of CSS by adding features such as variables, nesting, and mixins. It allows developers to write more efficient and maintainable CSS code, and helps to streamline the development process by reducing repetition and increasing reusability.
PostCSS is a popular open-source tool that enables web developers to transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins. It allows for efficient processing of CSS styles, from applying vendor prefixes to improving browser compatibility, ultimately resulting in cleaner, faster, and more maintainable code.
Webpack is a popular open-source module bundler for JavaScript applications that bundles and optimizes the code and its dependencies for production-ready deployment. It can also be used to transform other types of assets such as CSS, images, and fonts.