
screenshot of GlassFolio


Developer Portfolio Template in Glassmorphism UI


This article provides an analysis of a project called "glassFolio" created by Amresh Sinha. The project is a portfolio website built using Glassmorphism UI design, and it offers several key features such as support for FontAwesome, DevIcon, and Iconify. The article also mentions that the project utilizes a modified version of Repo-Card, which uses the GitHub Free API to fetch details.


  • GlassMorphic UI: The project utilizes the Glassmorphism UI design, providing a modern and sleek look to the portfolio website.
  • Supports FontAwesome: The website supports the use of FontAwesome icons, allowing users to add visually appealing icons to their portfolio.
  • Supports DevIcon: Users can also utilize DevIcon, which provides a variety of icons for different programming languages and development tools.
  • Supports Iconify: The project supports Iconify, an open-source icon framework that offers a large collection of icons to choose from.


This article provides an analysis of the "glassFolio" project created by Amresh Sinha. The project offers a portfolio website design with a Glassmorphism UI, providing a modern and sleek look. It supports FontAwesome, DevIcon, and Iconify, allowing users to add visually appealing icons to their portfolio. The project utilizes a modified version of Repo-Card and fetches details using the GitHub Free API. Overall, the "glassFolio" project is a useful tool for creating a professional portfolio website.


A portfolio website is a type of website that showcases an individual's or a company's work, skills, and accomplishments. It typically includes a gallery of images or videos, case studies, and client testimonials to provide potential clients or employers with a comprehensive overview of their experience and expertise.

Templates & Themes

A template or theme refers to a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a basic framework for building a specific type of application or website. It typically includes good design, placeholder content and functional features, allowing developers to customize and fill in the details according to their specific needs.