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SQLAlchemy Admin for FastAPI and Starlette

Product Analysis: SQLAlchemy Admin for Starlette/FastAPI


SQLAlchemy Admin is a flexible Admin interface designed for SQLAlchemy models. It offers integration with Starlette and FastAPI, supports both sync and async engines, and provides UI using the Tabler framework. This product aims to simplify administration and management of SQLAlchemy models in web applications.


  • SQLAlchemy sync/async engines: This allows developers to use both synchronous and asynchronous database engines with SQLAlchemy Admin.
  • Starlette integration: SQLAdmin offers seamless integration with Starlette, a lightweight and highly scalable web framework for building high-performance applications.
  • FastAPI integration: The product also integrates well with FastAPI, a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python.
  • SQLModel support: SQLAdmin supports SQLModel, a library that allows developers to define SQL tables as Python classes.
  • UI using Tabler: SQLAdmin leverages the Tabler framework to provide a clean and intuitive user interface for managing SQLAlchemy models.
  • Documentation: The product includes comprehensive documentation that provides detailed information on installation, configuration, and usage.
  • Source Code: The source code for SQLAdmin is available on GitHub, allowing developers to explore and contribute to the project.
  • Online Demo: An online demo of SQLAdmin is available for users to try out the product's features and interface.

A dashboard style website template is a pre-designed layout that features a user interface resembling a control panel or dashboard. It typically includes charts, graphs, tables, and other data visualization tools that allow users to monitor and analyze data in real-time.