Hexo Themes Islu

screenshot of Hexo Themes Islu

Hexo Themes Islu



The hexo-theme-islu is a modified version of the hexo-theme-matery, with additional features. It is a Hexo blog theme that incorporates "Material Design" and responsive design. The theme offers a simple and beautiful layout for blog posts, with a focus on readability. It is designed to be displayed well on various devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.


  • Pjax implementation for uninterrupted music loading
  • HitCount, Gitter, GitHub issues, GitHub license support
  • Downloadable Hexo Version
  • Carousel posts on the homepage with dynamically changing "banner" picture
  • Waterflow layout for the blog posts list
  • Archive page with timeline
  • Word cloud for the tags page and radar chart for the categories page
  • Rich "About" page with information about the author, posts charts, projects, skills, gallery, etc.
  • Customizable friendly link page
  • Support for post topping and rewards
  • Support for MathJax
  • Table of Contents (TOC)
  • Option to append copyright information when copying post content
  • Option for password verification when reading a post