Wp Vue

screenshot of Wp Vue

Wp Vue

A simple Vue blog template that displays posts from any WordPress REST API endpoint.


This is a simple Vue application that retrieves posts from a WordPress REST API endpoint. The application can be customized to suit individual needs, and contributions are encouraged to improve the application for everyone. The installation process involves defining important values through Node environment variables, and the application can be deployed locally or on a hosting platform like Netlify. The application also includes caching of AJAX requests for efficient loading of posts. Additionally, users can set a different endpoint via a URL parameter.


  • Retrieval of WordPress posts: The application pulls posts from a WordPress REST API endpoint.
  • Customization: Users can clone or fork the application and make modifications to suit their own needs.
  • Contribution: Users are encouraged to contribute to the project to make improvements for everyone.
  • Installation: The installation process involves defining important values through Node environment variables.
  • Deployment: The application can be deployed locally or on a hosting platform like Netlify.
  • Caching: AJAX requests are cached in memory to improve loading speed of posts.
  • Endpoint customization: Users can set a different endpoint via a URL parameter.

Vue.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its intuitive syntax, modular architecture, and focus on performance make it a popular choice for modern web development.


SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that extends the capabilities of CSS by adding features such as variables, nesting, and mixins. It allows developers to write more efficient and maintainable CSS code, and helps to streamline the development process by reducing repetition and increasing reusability.


Blog websites feature posts written by one or more authors, organized by categories and tags, with a section for comments and archives sorted by date or topic. Additional features may include search bar, social media sharing, subscription or RSS feed, about and contact pages, and visual content.

Templates & Themes

A template or theme refers to a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a basic framework for building a specific type of application or website. It typically includes good design, placeholder content and functional features, allowing developers to customize and fill in the details according to their specific needs.


ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.


Netlify is a cloud-based web development platform that provides a range of tools and services to help developers build, deploy, and manage modern web applications. It offers features such as continuous deployment, serverless functions, and CDN hosting, making it an ideal platform for building fast, scalable, and secure websites.