React Native I18n

screenshot of React Native I18n

React Native I18n

React Native + i18n.js


The react-native-i18n library is a deprecated package that integrates I18n.js with React Native, using the user's preferred locale as the default. It is recommended to use the react-native-localize library instead, in conjunction with I18n-js or other internationalization libraries such as react-intl or react-i18next.


  • Integration with I18n.js: Connects I18n.js with React Native for localization.
  • User Preferred Locale: Uses the user's preferred locale by default.
  • Multiple Location Files: Supports usage with multiple location files.
  • Fallbacks: Supports fallback language options for translations.
  • Device's Locales: Provides a method to retrieve the user's preferred locales.
React Native

React Native is a framework for building mobile applications using React and JavaScript. It enables developers to write once and deploy to multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web, while providing a native app-like experience to users.