Gatsby Shopify Starter

screenshot of Gatsby Shopify Starter

Gatsby Shopify Starter

🛍 Simple starter to build a blazing fast Shopify store with Gatsby.


JamStackBox is a Gatsby starter for creating eCommerce websites. It is based on the default Gatsby starter and is easily modifiable. The starter includes features such as a cart, product grid, product page, dynamic inventory checking, image optimization with Gatsby Image, styling with Emotion styled components, Google Analytics, and SEO. It integrates with Shopify to fetch product data and manage inventory in real-time. JamStackBox also provides instructions on how to connect your own Shopify store and deploy your Gatsby site.


  • Cart: Includes a shopping cart feature for users to add products and manage their orders.
  • Product grid: Displays products in a grid layout for easy browsing.
  • Product page: Provides a dedicated page for each product with details and options.
  • Dynamic Inventory Checking: Checks the Shopify product inventory in real-time, preventing the display of out-of-stock products.
  • Image optimization with Gatsby Image: Optimizes images for faster loading and better performance.
  • Styled Components with Emotion: Uses Emotion as the styling library, allowing for custom styling and easy customization.
  • Google Analytics: Integrates with Google Analytics for tracking and analyzing website traffic.
  • SEO: Includes built-in SEO optimizations to improve the website's visibility in search engines.

GatsbyJS is a free and open-source static site generator based on React. It uses a modern development stack including Webpack, GraphQL, and modern JavaScript and CSS frameworks. It also provides a rich set of plugins, starters, and themes.


React is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It follows a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render UI components


Shopify offers headless commerce capabilities through its Storefront API, allowing developers to use their own front-end technology to create custom storefronts or sales channels while using Shopify as a back-end system


Ecommerce websites sell products or services to customers through an online storefront. These websites typically include features such as product listings, shopping carts, payment processing, and order management tools.