
screenshot of AlamofireImage


AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire


AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire. It provides various features such as image response serializers, UIImage extensions for inflation, scaling, rounding, and CoreImage, single and multi-pass image filters, auto-purging in-memory image cache, prioritized queue order image downloading, authentication with URLCredential, and more. It is compatible with different platforms including iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and vision OS.


  • Image Response Serializers: Allows for efficient handling of image responses from Alamofire.
  • UIImage Extensions: Provides extensions to UIImage for tasks such as inflation, scaling, rounding, and CoreImage.
  • Single and Multi-Pass Image Filters: Enables the application of various filters to images, including single and multi-pass filters.
  • Auto-Purging In-Memory Image Cache: Implements an in-memory image cache that automatically purges when memory limits are reached.
  • Prioritized Queue Order Image Downloading: Allows for prioritized downloading of images based on a queue order.
  • Authentication with URLCredential: Supports authentication with URLCredential for secure image downloading.
  • UIImageView Async Remote Downloads with Placeholders: Facilitates async remote image downloading and provides support for placeholder images.
  • UIImageView Filters and Transitions: Enables the application of filters and transitions to UIImageViews.
  • Comprehensive Test Coverage: Includes comprehensive test coverage to ensure functionality and stability.
  • Complete Documentation: Provides complete documentation for easy reference and usage.


  1. Install CocoaPods following the instructions on their website.