
screenshot of Pagoda


Zen-like blogging interface for Jekyll (login: admin/admin)


Pagoda is a blog editor for Jekyll blogs, inspired by Svbtle and Obtvse. It provides a Zen-like interface and multiple features for managing and editing your Jekyll blog.


  • Zen-like blog editor interface
  • Screenshots: dashboard, editor, fullscreen editing, edit YAML data, mobile dashboard and editing
  • Ability to install locally or on Heroku
  • Easy installation with two simple commands
  • Support for running on Heroku and requirements: Heroku and Git
  • Default YAML data for each post, with the ability to modify it
  • Deployment on your own server with support for basic HTTP authentication
  • Nginx configuration for displaying the generated blog and enabling HTTP authentication for the admin area
  • FAQ and Bug section to address common issues

Installing locally:

  1. Install Pagoda with the following command:
npm install -g pagoda