
screenshot of Flat_chat


Free UI Kit for Flutter


The Flat Social UI Kit for Flutter is a work in progress project that aims to provide a collection of widgets for building social media app interfaces. It offers a range of UI components such as page wrappers, buttons, headers, chat items, message boxes, counters, and more. This kit is designed to be compatible with Flutter and is continuously being updated to add new features and improve functionality.


  • Page Wrapper: A container widget for page content.
  • Primary Button: A button component with a primary color scheme.
  • Page Header: A header component for page titles or headings.
  • Section Header: A header component for section titles or headings.
  • Add Story Button: A button for adding new stories or posts.
  • Profile Image: An image display widget for user profiles.
  • Chat List Item: A list item component for chat conversations.
  • Chat Message: A component for displaying chat messages.
  • Message Input Box: An input box for typing chat messages.
  • Counter: A counter widget for keeping track of counts or numbers.
  • Action Button: A customizable button widget for taking actions.

Flutter is an open-source UI framework developed by Google that allows developers to create high-performance, cross-platform mobile applications with a single codebase.