Awesome Hexo Theme

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Awesome Hexo Theme

πŸŒŸζŽ’εε‰ 10 ηš„ Hexo 主钘 | Top 10 Hexo theme


Awesome Hexo Theme is a collection of 10 high-quality and stylish Hexo themes that have been selected based on their Github influence and actual user experience. These themes offer a variety of features and design options to enhance the appearance and functionality of a Hexo blog.


  • Icarus: A simple and modern Hexo theme with support for multiple platforms and Chinese language.
  • Next: An elegant and high-quality Hexo theme crafted with love and attention to detail, with support for Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Material: A pure and elegant Hexo theme following the Material Design principles, with support for Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Indigo: A Hexo theme with a Material Design style, supporting Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Cactus: A responsive, clean, and simple Hexo theme with support for Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Matery: A Hexo blog theme utilizing Material Design and responsive design principles, with support for Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Yilia: A simple and elegant Hexo theme with support for Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Mellow: A Hexo theme with a Material Design style, supporting Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Archer: An intelligent and modern Hexo theme with support for Chinese language and multiple platforms.
  • Tranquilpeak: A gorgeous and responsive Hexo theme with support for Chinese language and multiple platforms.

Hexo is a static site generator built with Node.js that enables developers to create fast and efficient websites using Markdown, EJS, and Stylus. It offers features such as server-side rendering, plugin support, and easy deployment to hosting services like GitHub Pages and Netlify.