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🎉 Minimal and Clean Free Jekyll Theme


This article provides an analysis of a minimal and clean free Jekyll theme. The theme comes with various customizations that can be made in the _config.yml file. It also provides instructions for installation and deployment, as well as guidance on creating posts, pages, navigation, and adding Disqus comments and social media links.


  • Configurations: The theme allows for different customizations in the _config.yml file.
  • Deployment: The theme can be run locally by navigating to the theme directory, installing the dependencies using bundle install, and starting the Jekyll server with jekyll serve.
  • Posts: New posts can be created by adding a new markdown file in the _posts directory. The file can include configurations for the author, featured status, tags, and post image.
  • Pages: New pages can be created by adding a new markdown file in the _pages directory.
  • Navigation: The theme automatically includes links to all the created pages in the sidebar navigation.
  • Disqus Comments: The theme supports Disqus comments. The setup involves editing the disqus.html file and adding the Disqus account shortname.
  • Social Media Links: Social media links are included in the footer.html file and use clean icons from the Evil Icons library.
  • Update favicon: The theme provides a favicon.ico file in the root directory that can be replaced with a custom favicon.