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:coffee: Free and open-source Jekyll theme


This product is a modified version of a simple grey theme for Jekyll. It includes various features such as sitemap and XML feed, pagination on the homepage, real-time search posts, related posts, Disqus comments, projects page, social media sharing, Google analytics, HTML compression, and screenshot functionality.


  • Sitemap and XML Feed: Provides a sitemap and XML feed for the website.
  • Pagination in Homepage: Implements pagination on the homepage for easy navigation.
  • Posts under Category: Organizes posts under different categories for better content organization.
  • Realtime Search Posts: Enables search functionality to find posts by title and description.
  • Related Posts: Displays related posts based on the current post being viewed.
  • Highlight preNext & Previous Post: Highlights the previous and next posts for easy navigation.
  • Disqus Comment: Integrates Disqus comments for user engagement and discussion.
  • Projects Page & Detail Project Page: Includes a projects page and detailed project pages for showcasing work.
  • Share on Social Media: Allows users to share content on various social media platforms.
  • Google Analytics: Integrates Google Analytics for website traffic analysis.
  • HTML Minify: Compresses HTML using Jekyll Compress HTML.
  • Screenshot: Supports screenshots for post pages.