
screenshot of Stache


mustache and handlebars template handling in Rails 3.x and Rails 4.x


stacheA is a Rails template handler compatible with Rails 3.x, Rails 4.x, and Rails 5.x. It supports Mustache/Handlebars templates and includes features such as partials and template caching. The goal of stacheA is to make it easier to share raw templates with client-side javascript.


  • Compatible with Rails 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x
  • Supports Mustache/Handlebars templates
  • Includes support for partials
  • Allows template caching
  • Provides a helper method, template_include_tag, for including partials in javascript


stacheA is a Rails template handler that is compatible with Rails 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x. It supports Mustache/Handlebars templates and includes features such as partials and template caching. It provides a helper method called template_include_tag for including partials in javascript. Installing stacheA is as simple as adding it to your Gemfile and making any necessary configurations. Overall, stacheA is a convenient tool for working with facial-hair-inspired templates in a Ruby on Rails application.