
screenshot of Agaue


Golang blog framework


Agave is a build status tool that provides a simple and efficient way to keep track of the status of builds in an organization. With Agave, teams can easily monitor the progress of their builds, identify issues, and keep everyone on the same page. This tool is designed to streamline the build tracking process and improve overall productivity.


  • Build Status Monitoring: Agave allows teams to monitor the status of their builds in real-time. It provides detailed information about the current status of each build, including whether it is running, queued, or completed.
  • Issue Identification: Agave automatically identifies any issues or failures in the builds and highlights them, making it easy for teams to quickly identify and address any problems.
  • Team Collaboration: Agave allows teams to collaborate and communicate effectively by providing a centralized platform for discussing builds. Team members can leave comments, ask questions, and share information, ensuring everyone is on the same page.