Hexo Theme Cards

screenshot of Hexo Theme Cards

Hexo Theme Cards

卡片风格的 hexo 博客主题。简约大方,支持打赏,评论、搜索、留言、相册自定义收款等多种功能。性能上实现最大优化,首页加载平均1.6秒,使用了图片懒加载,让用户访问更快,体验更好。色彩和文字采用最新的UI 设计规范,在任何设备上都能完美显示!


Hexo is a static site generator built with Node.js that enables developers to create fast and efficient websites using Markdown, EJS, and Stylus. It offers features such as server-side rendering, plugin support, and easy deployment to hosting services like GitHub Pages and Netlify.