
screenshot of Admincast


The Most Advanced Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. HTML & Angular 5+ versions.


AdminCAST is a highly advanced Bootstrap 4 Admin Template that offers both HTML and Angular 5+ versions. It is built on the popular Bootstrap 4 framework and provides a fully responsive and customizable interface.


  • Advanced Bootstrap 4: Based on the widely used Bootstrap 4 framework, providing a solid foundation for the template.

  • HTML & Angular 5+ Versions: It offers both the HTML and Angular 5+ versions, making it suitable for a wider range of development projects.

  • Fully Responsive: The template is designed to be responsive, ensuring that it adapts perfectly to different screen sizes and devices.

  • Customizable Interface: AdminCAST provides a highly customizable interface, allowing developers to easily modify the template to fit their specific needs.

  • Demo Versions: AdminCAST offers HTML and Angular 5 demos, allowing users to preview the template before making a purchase.

  • Premium Version Available: There is a premium version of AdminCAST available, offering additional features and support for those who require more advanced functionality.


Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source framework by Google for building dynamic single-page applications and cross-platform mobile apps with MVC architecture and a rich set of features.


Bootstrap is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites.


A dashboard style website template is a pre-designed layout that features a user interface resembling a control panel or dashboard. It typically includes charts, graphs, tables, and other data visualization tools that allow users to monitor and analyze data in real-time.