Backbone Boilerplates

screenshot of Backbone Boilerplates

Backbone Boilerplates

Backbone.js stack boilerplates demonstrating integration with Express, Ruby, PHP, Grails and more.


The Backbone Boilerplates repository is a collection of integration examples that demonstrates how to integrate Backbone.js with different backend technology stacks. The repository currently includes examples for Node.js and Express with MongoDB and Mongoose, Ruby and Sinatra with MongoDB, Grails with MongoDB, PHP with Slim PHP RESTful framework and MySQL, Rails with Rails Asset Pipeline and CoffeeScript, and Vert.x with MongoDB. The examples utilize the HTML5 Boilerplate as a base and require MongoDB to be installed and running.


  • Integrate Backbone.js with various backend technology stacks
  • Examples provided for Node.js, Ruby, Grails, PHP, and Vert.x
  • Utilizes MongoDB as the backend database
  • Includes pre-configured setup for Node.js with Express and Mongoose
  • Supports both HTML and Jade layout options for Node.js examples
  • Supports Haml layout for Ruby examples
  • Easy setup and installation process