Ftc Dashboard

screenshot of Ftc Dashboard

Ftc Dashboard

React-based web dashboard designed for FTC


FTC Dashboard is a telemetry and monitoring tool designed for use with FTC robots. It provides live telemetry with plots and field graphics, live configuration variables, camera streaming, limited op mode controls, gamepad support, custom dashboard layouts, and telemetry CSV export.


  • Live telemetry with plots and field graphics
  • Live configuration variables
  • Camera streaming
  • Limited op mode controls and gamepad support
  • Custom dashboard layouts
  • Telemetry CSV export

Basic Installation:

  1. Open build.dependencies.gradle.
  2. In the repositories section, add maven { url = 'https://maven.brott.dev/' }.
  3. In the dependencies section, add implementation 'com.acmerobotics.dashboard:dashboard:0.4.15'.

Development Installation:

  1. Install Node.js (Node.js 16+ required for builds to work on M1 MacBooks).
  2. Install Yarn (optional but recommended for historical reasons).