Flask React

screenshot of Flask React

Flask React

Boilerplate to create lightweight webapp with Flask & React.js


The Flask React is a boilerplate that allows users to create a simple web app using Flask and React. It incorporates other frontend libraries such as Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, Lodash, Require.js, and Font Awesome. The app can be deployed on Heroku and comes with installation instructions for both python dependencies and required frontend libraries.


  • Flask and React: Combines the Flask backend framework with the React frontend library.
  • Frontend Libraries: Includes Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, Lodash, Require.js, and Font Awesome for enhanced frontend functionality.
  • Heroku Deployment: Allows users to easily deploy their Flask React app on Heroku.
  • Python Dependencies: Provides instructions for installing the necessary python dependencies.
  • React Development Tool: Uses the React tool to transform JSX to JS for development purposes.
  • Server Side Rendering: Supports server side rendering of React components.
  • Webpack and Gulp: Recommends using webpack and gulp for packaging and building the app.
  • PostCSS: Suggests the use of PostCSS for enhanced CSS processing.
  • Deploy Instructions: Provides instructions for deploying the Flask React app.