Seezoon Stack

screenshot of Seezoon Stack

Seezoon Stack

一款基于当前最前沿的前端(Vue3 + Vite + Antdv)和后台(Spring boot)实现的低代码开发平台。


Seezoon Stack is a Java development framework designed for fast development. It focuses on development speed and code structure and provides a very authentic usage of Java common development frameworks. The project follows the standards of large companies in terms of packaging, compiling, and deploying, and continuously improves these processes. The technology stack used in Seezoon Stack includes popular frameworks such as Spring Boot, Spring Session Data Redis, Spring Security, Mybatis, and Springfox. It also provides features such as JSR303 validation, standard API modeling, error code and exception handling, request trace identification, Redis encapsulation, asynchronous thread configuration, cross-origin support, code generation based on the openAPI 3.0 specification, login and permission control, file handling, internationalization, and common data permissions. The frontend of Seezoon Stack uses frameworks such as Vue 3, Vite, Ant Design Vue 2, TypeScript 4, Windi Css, and Iconify. The project is based on Vue Vben admin 2.0 and uses Ant Design Vue 2 as the main component library. The backend requires JDK 1.8+ (recommended 11), Maven 3+, Node 12+ (with Yarn installed), Redis, and MySQL 5.7+ (recommended 8) for the environment preparation.


  • Fast development with a focus on development speed and code structure.
  • Authentic usage of Java common development frameworks.
  • Packaging, compiling, and deployment following the standards of large companies.
  • JSR303 validation.
  • Standard API modeling.
  • Error code and exception handling.
  • Request trace identification.
  • Redis encapsulation.
  • Asynchronous thread configuration.
  • Cross-origin support.
  • Code generation based on the openAPI 3.0 specification.
  • Login and permission control.
  • File handling.
  • Internationalization.

Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects


A dashboard style website template is a pre-designed layout that features a user interface resembling a control panel or dashboard. It typically includes charts, graphs, tables, and other data visualization tools that allow users to monitor and analyze data in real-time.