
screenshot of Amethyst


📓 obsidian-compatible notes theme for hugo, built from quartz and hugo-book


Amethyst Hugo Theme is a customizable theme designed for storing and hosting personal notes or documentation. It aims to provide a simple and customizable theme with sidebar navigation that supports Obsidian features like backlinks and LaTeX without requiring reformatting of notes. The theme combines the navigational features of Hugo-Book with the Obsidian integrations of Quartz to deliver a hassle-free solution.


  • Navigation sidebars on the left and right of content
  • Obsidian-style callouts
  • Interactive graph view
  • MermaidJS charts
  • User-togglable dark mode
  • Search bar
  • Multi-language support
  • Mobile support
  • Obsidian-style back/forward links and page previews
  • Custom formatting of tabs, sections, and expands specifically for Q&A-style interaction
  • Easy customization of theme colors and fonts
  • LaTeX enabled out of the box with no additional configuration
  • Support for both absolute and relative links, Obsidian-style

Hugo is an open-source static site generator that features fast build times, flexible themes, support for multiple content formats, multilingual websites, live reloading, and an active community. It allows developers to easily create and deploy SEO-friendly and mobile-responsive websites.