Html Sass Jumpstart

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Html Sass Jumpstart

Minimal Sass/HTML Template Site - dart sass powered, includes stylelint and prettier, and autoprefix upon build. develop script includes hot-reload via browsersync.


HTML / Sass Jumpstart is a collection of tools and templates to help developers quickly set up and customize their projects. It is powered by Sass and includes features like stylelint, prettier, and autoprefixing. The included Minimal Theme and Components provide a starting point for building beautiful and responsive websites.


  • Powered by Sass: Take advantage of the power and flexibility of Sass to create well-organized and maintainable stylesheets.
  • Stylelint and Prettier: Ensure consistent coding styles and formatting with the built-in linting and formatting tools.
  • Autoprefixing: Automatically add vendor prefixes to CSS properties to ensure compatibility across different browsers.
  • Hot-reload via Browsersync: Keep your development workflow efficient by instantly seeing changes in your browser without the need for manual refreshing.

SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that extends the capabilities of CSS by adding features such as variables, nesting, and mixins. It allows developers to write more efficient and maintainable CSS code, and helps to streamline the development process by reducing repetition and increasing reusability.


Stylelint is a modern linter for CSS that helps you avoid errors and enforce consistent styling conventions. It provides rules for detecting errors and warnings, and can be configured to match your specific project's requirements.