Hexo Theme Cosy

screenshot of Hexo Theme Cosy

Hexo Theme Cosy

Minimalist, pursuing the ultimate loading speed for a Hexo theme,追求极致加载速度


CosyMinimalist is a Hexo theme that focuses on achieving fast loading speeds. The JavaScript size is 107.73 KB, but after gzip compression, it is reduced to only 33.41 KB.


  • Theme Switching: Allows users to switch between different themes.
  • Prism Syntax Highlighting: Enables syntax highlighting for code snippets using Prism.
  • Algolia Search: Integrates Algolia search functionality.
  • HeFeng Weather Widget: Includes a weather widget from HeFeng.
  • Katex Formulae: Supports rendering of mathematical formulae using Katex.
  • Mermaid Flowcharts: Provides the ability to create flowcharts using Mermaid.
  • Valine Comments: Allows users to enable Valine comments on their site.

Hexo is a static site generator built with Node.js that enables developers to create fast and efficient websites using Markdown, EJS, and Stylus. It offers features such as server-side rendering, plugin support, and easy deployment to hosting services like GitHub Pages and Netlify.

Templates & Themes

A template or theme refers to a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a basic framework for building a specific type of application or website. It typically includes good design, placeholder content and functional features, allowing developers to customize and fill in the details according to their specific needs.